NERO w Kazachstanie

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Bardzo dziękujemy firmie Nero za zaopatrzenie naszej kadry w świdry, które właściwie jako jedyne poradziły sobie z bardzo trudnymi warunkami kazachskiej zimy..

Dear Volzanka-Nero Team,
We are writing to thank you for equipping the Polish Ice Fishing Team with the NERO Fi 130 drills to be used at the World Championships in Kazakhstan 2018.
With the thickness of the ice reaching up to 120 cm, your drills turned out to be irreplaceable as they managed to drill the holes in several dozen seconds. We had an opportunity to test similar products from other companies but the quality of Nero drills was exceptional and definitely stood out. The other teams taking part in this event have also found them excellent and rated them higher than other brands.
We are extremely grateful for your support and your contribution to our overall performance.
Best regards
Robert Florczak
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